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AFT Vermont Endorsement of Senator Bernie Sanders for President

AFT Vermont proudly endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders for our next President.  He has spent his career fighting for our union here in Vermont and has walked more picket lines than all the other candidates combined. He has used his platform to empower the working class and marginalized communities. 


Bernie is the strongest pro-worker candidate in this race. His campaign is not just to win the Democratic primary, and not just to defeat Donald Trump, although we must, and we will, defeat Donald Trump. This is a campaign to bring fundamental political changes to our country. He is building a working-class movement for racial, social, environmental and economic justice made up of working-class Americans that will bring millions of people together and transform our country, so that it works for all of us. 


He will be the Organizer in Chief and together we will create the most powerful movement in our country’s modern history. WE will have a seat at his table. This is what his campaign is all about.  Building a coalition of working people, young people, communities of all race and religions who believe in a government of compassion and justice. 


His platform speaks to ending racial and gender disparities in teachers’ pay, protecting and expanding collective bargaining rights and teacher tenure, ending high stakes testing and empowering teachers to provide a teacher supported curriculum that gives students the best possible education.  


But AFT is now more than just teachers and our numbers are growing as is the diversity of the members we represent. At AFT Vermont we strongly believe that Bernie is the candidate that will grow union density and strength. He is the candidate that is inspiring our younger generation to get out and vote, and more importantly, to be part of the process. Bernie has the campaign and the momentum to take us to the White House. 

Deb Snell, RN

President AFT Vermont

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