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AFT Vermont is hiring a smart, motivated Field Rep/Organizer who is willing to work hard for social justice at the workplace and across Vermont. The initial assignment for this position will be organizing the unorganized to win union recognition.

AFT Vermont

  • is a democratic, organizing labor union
  • is the fastest growing union in Vermont
  • has majority women membership and leadership

We organize to build power to win better wages, respect, and improvements at work and the community.

Mission: AFT-VT is a union of professionals that champions justice, democracy and economic opportunity. We work for


26 October 2021

Across the country, public college and university administrations have used the Covid-19 crisis as an opening to remake higher education as a business: shuttering liberal arts programming, increasing executive pay, and squeezing more out of students, staff and faculty.

Staff and faculty at the University of Vermont, however, responded to this pressure by organizing -- and this spring, secured important victories in the form of a new contract for faculty and a union for the 1300-plus clerical, technical, specialized and professional staff who work at UVM.

Staff at UVM began


26 October 2021

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE) provides reproductive health care to 42,000 people across Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire, including thousands of people living in underserved low-income and rural communities.

As the pandemic dragged on, however, staff at PPNNE watched as high rates of staff turnover began to jeopardize the organization’s important mission. Health centers faced the prospect of service reductions and closure as underpaid staff left emotionally stressful positions at PPNNE for better-paying jobs elsewhere.

As Dana Keyes-Gibbons reflected, “We


We're Hiring! AFT Vermont has doubled its membership in the last five years and is looking to add an Operations Director so that we can continue to win justice for our existing members and support new members joining the labor movement.

Photo of AFT President Randi Weingarten addressing TEACH 2023

The AFT has always been a solutions-driven union, and our new campaign, launched during TEACH on July 21, proves it once again with a fresh, practical approach to strengthening public education. As AFT President Randi Weingarten pointed out during her keynote speech, the $5 million, yearlong campaign, “Real Solutions for Kids and Communities,” stands up against attacks on public schools and offers real-world solutions to build up, rather than break down, our communities.

Randi Weingarten at a Massachusetts high school

Summer is upon us, and parents, children and teachers are winding down from what has been an exhausting and fully operational school year—the first since the devastating pandemic. The long-lasting impact of COVID-19 has affected our students’ and families’ well-being and ignited the politics surrounding public schools. All signs point to the coming school year unfolding with the same sound and fury, and if extremist culture warriors have their way, being even more divisive and stressful.


What unions do


In AFT President Randi Weingarten’s latest New York Times  column, she describes what it is exactly that unions do. Though unions are the most popular they have been in decades, anti-union sentiment still thrives in red states and across the nation. “Several years ago, The Atlantic ran a story whose headline made even me, a labor leader, scratch my head: ‘Union Membership: Very Sexy,’” Weingarten writes in the column. “The gist was that higher wages, health benefits and job security—all associated with union membership—boost one’s chances of getting married. Belonging to a union doesn’t actually guarantee happily ever after, but it does help working people have a better life in the here and now.” Click through to read the full column.

At the opening of VFNHP-Nurse negotiations with the UVMMC administration, all of the VFNHP proposals were designed to:

* Protect and improve patient care
* Provide safety and respect
* Improve benefits and compensation to recruit and retain nurses and support staff

Nurses, technical professionals and all staff who agree should add your name here.

Because the staffing crisis affects all staff, VFNHP made the following formal proposals to the UVMMC administration: All UVMMC staff are guaranteed

* A minimum wage of $20/hour (or a 10% increase, whichever is greater)

* The right to organize for RESPECT


I believe in them pure and simple. Our union stood tall and proud in support of each other, sharing the love and support.Pamela Munsell, RN, Adult Primary Care South Burlington, UVMMC


I worked at NMC for over 5 years. Despite making more money per hour there, I still left. I left because of managements practices. It’s very much a small town good old boys club where favoritism reigns. There is no fairness and equality for employees. Discipline and raises are based on how solid your friendship is with the current boss. Constantly forced to “be flexible” and take more