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Nurses are held in high regard. Gallup's Annual Honesty and Ethics Poll Shows Nurses are again at the top for the 11th year in a row!


United Professions joined with the Vermont Workers' Center and several other organizations for the first day of the Vermont legislature to advocate for Healthcare as a Human Right. Mari Cordes, President of the Vermont Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals was the MC for the event.


Vermont Medical Team Visits Haiti 
To Plan Mission for New, Permanent Union-Run Clinic

A team of medical professionals from Vermont traveled to Haiti on Wednesday, July 27 to gather information on the healthcare needs in order to establish a union-run clinic and provide healthcare skills training, in collaboration with the global union federation, Public Services International (PSI) and its affiliate in Haiti, the Confederation of Workers in the Public and Private Sectors.

United Professions AFT VT Members at May 1st Healthcare is a Human Right Rally
United Professions AFT VT was the largest contingent at the May 1st Healthcare is a Human Right march and rally. Thousands of Vermonters  converged on the statehouse on May 1st in a demonstration to show that Vermont should be the first state to demand  healthcare as a human right.
Legislative Update  
It's been a good couple of weeks at the statehouse. Hundreds of you have called and emailed your legislators and we've seen that it works. Read article for more details.  Join hundreds of Vermonters at the statehouse in Montpelier on May 1st  for the Healthcare is a Human Right rally. CLICK HERE to register

Health Care Reform S.88 was passed out of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee. Originally, S.88 was a bill that laid out a plan for a single payer system. The bill, as passed out of committee, is essentially a summer study bill that will produce 3 options for health care reform, which will be developed by an expert. The bill calls for a 5-person board who would choose, and work with, the expert who would develop the options - 1 appointed by tthe Speaker, 1 appointed by the President Pro Tem, 2 appointed by the Governor, and 1 appointed by the other 4 board members. The composition of this board is of great concern to the advocates, as it is heavily weighted towards the Governor, who has not been a supporter of true health care reform. The bill is currently in the Senate Appropriations committee (as there is an appropriation required). Politics are running rampant, given that 3 of the gubernatorial candidates are senators - they are all jockeying for position on this bill.

Read more for an update from our lobbyists on what's been happening at the statehouse with Health Care Reform, Higher Education, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing.